Who do You Think you Are? via @EvaAlordiah
Who Do you Think you Are? I watch a lot of Forensics, too many favorite shows on the Crime channel, and too much of C.S.I – Now in all my many years of loving these shows, if there’s one thing I have learned, it is the simple fact that we all have unique finger print patterns designated to each one of Us. Now take a minute with me here and imagine those patterns, spiraling in the most unique design, working their paths down every curve of your hands, through every pore of your skin, en circling your hair follicles, penetrating the cracks and crevices of your skull and taking a final stop at your brain. If this were really the case scientifically, then you should already know it would happen in an absolutely different manner for everyone else. And as many as we are on earth, it is a proven fact that we all have these finger patterns/prints differently.